This is an article that I wrote back in the spring of 2019 for publication in Geez 54, an issue dedicated to climate justice. It came out of my research and thinking at the time, much of which was informed by solarpunk.
Tag: Rosi Braidotti
Saviour Syndrome: thoughts-in-process
There seems to be a lot of silver-bullet thinking when it comes to the state of the world and any attempts to make it better: the idea that there can be one solution to all the problems of the Chthulhucene, or even that there can be a solution at all and that things will either get better or return to some sort of ideal state after that One True Solution ™ has been applied.
sometimes i want a dictator – personal reflections on toxic love of authority
The fact is, I like authority when it is presented nicely, neatly, wrapped up in the language of theory, of kindness, of neoliberal promises of rest. I automatically critique and reject information that is presented to me too abruptly; I harbour resentment of bald facts presented baldly, mostly because they are presented to me as: here, do the work of understanding this thing. Tax your already tired brain more.
Back in July, I was chatting over the phone with my parents, telling them about the research trip I was taking, the book I was reading, and generally the sort of life-update type things that you do when you live with two entirely separate provinces between their home and the one that you live in….